The Spruce TreeBusiness Consulting

Like a spruce tree, which keeps its needles all year round, a well-defined financial and commercial strategy and structure can help weather most any adverse conditions.

Early Phase Business and Project Consultancy

Starting a business needs refined planning and definition.

Our experts at Atlanto share your enthusiasm for building a business, and have experienced building the foundations for a healthy and scalable organization.

Atlanto can help you mature your business by advising on the tricky early-stage phases of defining your business-case, understanding the market within which you position yourself, achieving a realistic cost-benefit analysis for demonstrating a positive effect to the public, and coming up with a healthy and informed financial plan.

Achieving an efficient management

of your transactions or change of business structure is a daunting task. Especially when disruption and unexpected changes occur. With decades of combined expertise in senior management, we have seen and experienced unexpected changes. From that personal experience, Atlanto helps you develop and lead an informed transaction strategy.

By advising on due diligence, financial structuring & modelling, as well as PPP consultancy, we help with all aspects that provide a strong foundation for future growth and development.

Transaction/Change Consultancy


Inefficiency hinders

the core motivations and objectives we set for our companies. With its decades of experience, Atlanto helps you steer your business through market dynamics by performing optimization studies and advising on marketing, operations and financing of your business as well as managing required transactions efficiently by helping with due diligence when changing business emphasis in either buying or selling businesses.

Atlanto stands for your personal approach to business, and by providing the right expertise for your case we drive better outcomes for your business.